Success Stories

Matt M.

As per the vast majority of the population who join a gym, Matt’s primary objectives when he started out were to reduce weight (body fat) and to improve muscle tone (increase lean muscle mass).

I started working with Matt when he was completely new to the gym environment, so the challenge was not only to introduce him to a whole range of weight and resistance exercises, but to also coach proper technique in order to maximise change whilst maintaining safety and minimising any risk of injury.

In order to maintain motivation, we have expanded Matt’s exercise repertoire to a point where each week includes several distinctive routines, where the focus is on working different muscle groups on different days. In addition, each workout consists of a slightly varied combination - no two workouts are the same.

Matt has thrived in this environment and has come a long way in a short time. Not only has he accomplished some solid gains, he has also constantly remained focused on refining his approach to each exercise and now outclasses more experienced gym members on exercise skill and technique.

Matt’s comments:
I came to the gym knowing very little, except that I wanted to improve my health, physically and mentally. Warren took all that on board and has helped me push myself and get motivated.

I’ve never felt judged by Warren - he’s easy to talk to, have a laugh with and understand. He approaches everything in a down to earth yet informative way, you’re always in an enjoyable zone and you never feel like you can’t ask him anything.

Warren likes to ensure you "empty the tank", which makes you really feel like you’ve got the most out of each session and walk away feeling great and positive about yourself. Also, during the time I was injured he changed up the plan to suit, allowing me to keep moving forward which boosted my confidence and motivation.

He has always made sure I know that correct technique will achieve greater results than by simply adding more weight and reducing the quality.

Overall, Warren is a great Personal Trainer, easy to get along with and very knowledgeable, making you feel very comfortable in a gym at whatever stage you're at in life.”